Documents of the Freedom Train
Available at
Freedom Train display sites, The Documents of the Freedom Train
"program" gave those standing in line a preview of the
Freedom Train's offerings.
Documents on the Freedom Train" - sponsored by The American Heritage
Foundation |
American Heritage Program - sponsored by the Attorney General of the
United States |
by Christopher Columbus on the Discovery of America (1493) Thirteenth
Century Manuscript of Magna Carta The Mayflower Compact Pennsylvania
Charter of Privileges of 1701 |
of the Nine Colonies (1765) Thomas Jefferson's Statement on Rights
of Colonists (1774) Declaration of the People against Governor Berkeley
Letter of Caesar Rodney dated July 4, 1776, describing the Voting
of Independence Manuscript Essay of James Iredell stating the Rights
of the Colonists |
Rough Draft of the Declaration of Independence (June 11-28, 1776)
Original Letter of Ben Franklin & Silas Deane...copies...Declaration
of Independence...Articles of Confederation...King of Prussia (Feb.
14, 1777) Contemporary Manuscript Copy of the Declaration of Independence
attested and Signed by Benjamin Franklin and Silas Deane A Contemporary
Manuscript Copy of the Articles of Confederation attested and Signed
by Benjamin Franklin and Silas Deane |
Paine's Common Sense (1776) Thomas Pain's The Crisis (1776) Paul Revere's
Commission as Official Messenger Original Orders of the Continental
Congress Increasing the Powers of General Washington Letter of George
Washington to Gouverneur Morris describing conditions at Winter Headquarters
in 1780 |
of George Washington to Gouverneur Morris describing conditions at
Winter Headquarters in 1780 5 First Account of the Battle of Lexington
"Glorious News" from Yorktown The Treaty of Paris (1783) President
Washington's "To Bigotry No Sanction" Letter Roger Williams' Statement
on Religious Freedom |
Bill for Religious Freedom (1784) The Bay Psalm Book: The First Book
Printed in the North American Colonies The Federalist (1788) John
Jay's Original Corrected Manuscript Draft of Federalist Paper No.
5 The Virginia Plan of the Constitution of the United States (1787)
Washington's Own Copy of the Constitution |
of the Constitutional Convention (August 20, 1787, entry), when the
Habeas Corpus clause was suggested for Inclusion in the Constitution
Draft Report...of the Constitutional Convention showing earliest provisions
for Trial by Jury as part of the U. S. Constitution (August 1787)
Pennsylvania's Ratification of the Federal Constitution (1789) The
Bill of Rights (1789) |
Mason's Draft of the Declaration of Rights to be proposed by the Virginia
Convention as Amendments to the U. S. Constitution (June 1788) Official
Manuscript List of proposed Amendments protecting Civil Rights submitted
by Virginia with Her Ratification of the Constitution (1789) Congress'
Working Drafts of the First Amendments to the Constitution - The Bill
of Rights (1789) Congressional Resolution that President submit First
Proposed Amendments to States (1789) |
Ratification of the Bill of Rights (1791) Thomas Jefferson's Letter
to James Madison...on the proposed U. S. Constitution & his regret
at the omission of a Bill of Rights (Dec. 20, 1787) James Madison's
Letter to Thomas Jefferson...Madison...introduced...for the Amendment...Guarantee
Basic Personal Rights (June 13, 1789) Alexander Hamilton's Original
Manuscript Outline of subjects of part of The Federalist (1788) Alexander
Hamilton's Original Manuscript Draft of his report on the Public Credit
(1790) Alexander Hamilton's Original Manuscript Draft of George Washington's
Farewell Address (July 1796) |
Colbreath's Manuscript Account of the First Known Military Raising
of the American Flag (August 3, 1777) Original Manuscript of "The
Star Spangled Banner" Washington's Revolutionary War Account Book
Written in His Own Hand (1775-83) President Washington's Farewell
Address (1796) Abraham Lincoln's Draft of the Emancipation Proclamation
(July 14, 1862) |
Emancipation Proclamation Senate Version of Joint Resolution proposing
Amendment to Abolish Slavery (1864) Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
(November 19, 1863) Letter of Henry Laurens of South Carolina Attacking
Slavery (August 14, 1776) General Robert E. Lee's Letter Accepting
the Presidency of Washington College (August 24, 1865) |
Lincoln's Baltimore Address (April 18, 1864) Petition of the National
Woman Suffrage Association to Congress (1873) Petition of Matilda
Hindman asking Congress not to Disenfranchise Utah Women (1874) The
Nineteenth Amendment - The Joint Resolution of Congress proposing
an Amendment...extending the Right of Suffrage to Women (1919) |
Northwest Ordinance (1787) Original Letter from President McKinley
to William Howard Taft, President of the Philippine Commission (1900)
Proclamation of Independence of the Philippines, signed by President
Harry S. Truman (1946) |
Letter of President Theodore Roosevelt to Secretary of War William
Howard Taft...keeping...promise to Get Out of Cuba (1907) Proclamation
of Richard P. Leary, Naval Governor of the Isle of Guam, abolishing
Slavery and Peonage (1900) Original Letter of the Marquis de Lafayette
to General Washington (1788) |
Letter of Thaddeus Kosciuszko to General Nathanael Greene (1786) Original
Letter from Thomas Paine to Benjamin Rush written from Paris (March
16, 1790) Miranda, the Father of South American Freedom, appeals to
President John Adams for Aid from the United States (1798) Original
Letter of Louis Kossuth to President Fillmore (1852) |
Gannett's Deposition in Her Claim for a Pension for Revolutionary
War Service (1818) Patrick Henry's Instructions to George Rogers Clark
on Defense of the Northwest Frontier Letter from John Paul Jones to
Gouverneur Morris Claim for Pension for Service on Submarine in the
American Revolution |
Friendship Benjamin Franklin's Own Epitaph in His Own Hand The Tribute
of France to the Memory of Dr. Franklin The Thanks of the Congress
of the United States to the French Nation (March 2, 1791) Jefferson's
Letter of June 17, 1785, from Paris to James Monroe praising America
of John Jay to John Trumbull in which is coined the word "Americanize"
(October 1797) Original Letter in Siamese from King Mongkut of Siam
offering to send a Gift of Elephants to the President of the United
States (1861) Andrew Jackson's Letter to the Secretary of War describing
the Battle of New Orleans (1815) |
of the U. S. Frigate "Constitution" (1815) Eleven Treasury Bonds dating
from 1779 through 1947, each symbolizing the Financial Support of
the American People for...Freedom Letter (Dec. 28, 1908), Secretary
of State Elihu Root to Pres. Theodore Roosevelt...President's Message
(Jan. 4, 1909)...Boxer Indemnity Funds Land Scrip issued to New York
for the Establishment of a College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts
(1862) |
Peter Zenger's New York Weekly Journal, Issue No. 48 (September 1734)
John Peter Zenger's New York Weekly Journal No. 55 (November 25, 1734)
John Peter Zenger's New York Weekly Journal No. 93 (August 18, 1735)
Benjamin Franklin's Editorial on Zenger Printed in the Pennsylvania
Gazette, 1737 The North Briton, No. 45 (April 23, 1763) Alton Trials
(New York, 1838) An Essay on the Liberty of the Press by George Hay
(1799) |
John Milton's Areopagitica (1644) Thomas Jefferson's Letter to Thomas
Seymour (February 11, 1807) Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Edward
Carrington (January 16, 1787) Original Typescript Draft of the Covenant
of the League of Nations (1918) Declaration by the United Nations
(1942) The United Nations Charter (1945) |
of an Unlimited National Emergency (May 27, 1941) The Selection of
General Eisenhower as Supreme Commander of the Allied Invasion of
Western Europe Agreement for the Invasion of Western Europe Congratulations
from the Secretary of War to the Supreme Commander Last Message from
Corregidor |
Christmas" from Bastogne Admiral Spruance Reports on Operations at
Iwo Jima Admiral Halsey's Report on Naval Action in Philippine Waters
Admiral Nimitz's Battle Report of Midway Secretary of the Navy Knox
Praises the United States Marine Corps |
Report of General Stilwell to General Marshall (January 28, 1944)
President Roosevelt's Tribute to Captain Colin Kelly General Clark's
Victory Message Instrument of Surrender of Japanese Forces in the
Philippine Islands |
of Japanese Forces on Truk Germany Surrenders Unconditionally Surrender
of Japanese Forces on Wake Island Surrender of Japanese Forces in
the Ryukyus Log of the USS "Missouri" - Japanese Surrender |
Eisenhower's Personal Flag Commodore Perry's Flag Iwo Jima Flag Geruma
Shima Flag Flag Flown from USS "Missouri" when the Japanese Surrendered
SHAEF Flag |
of The American Heritage Foundation: "Good Citizen" - A Handbook of
American Citizenship "Our American Heritage" - Showing major Freedom
Train Documents "Heritage of Freedom" - All the documents on the Freedom
Train "The Documents on the Freedom Train" - A Guidebook and Catalog
American Heritage Foundation [names of officers & board of trustees]
Freedom Pledge |
Nine Promises of a Good Citizen |
to memorabilia... |